Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pole Noodle

My hubby loves noodle very much, some weekend I’ll go through my recipe book to find some noodle recipe, which taste good but easy to cook to fulfill his appetite. Pole Noodle is a good choice. The ingredients for traditional pole noodle were much more complicated, I have make it easier at here but not affect it’s taste.

16 tael Oiled Noodles
3 tael Pork Slices
16 tael Minced Pork
3 tael Fried Red Onion
2 tablespoon Garlic(crushed)
12 – 18 Meat Ball
Some Chinese Chives, Chinese Parsley
6 Cups of Broth

Seasoning (A):
1 cup of Soy Sauce
2 tablesppons Wine
1 tablespoon Sugar
½ teaspoon Salt
3 cups of Water
Some Pepper Powder

Seasoning (B):
1 tablespoon Soy Sauce
Some  Corn Starch and Water

  1. Heat up a some oil, fried the garlicand then put in the minced pork, continue with the fried red onion and the seasoning (A), turn to small heat and stew the pork until it ground.
  2. Marinate the pork slices with seasoning (B) for 10 minutes.
  3. Boiled the water to cook the oiled noodle, pork slices, meat ball and the Chinese chives.
  4. Put the oiled noodle, pork slices, meat ball and Chinese chives in a bowl, then put in the broth and the ground pork, served withsome pepper powder, Chinese parsley and fried red onion.

  1. For those friends who did not like the pork that much can replace the pork slices with the prawn. It is also can replace the Chinese chives with Chinese cabbage or other green vegetable.  
  2. For those friends who did not like the fried red onion can just cook it with the ground pork or just take it out from the recipe.
  3. The post before have the recipe of the broth for reference.

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